ICMMP 2023 INTERNATIONAL : International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Physics
24 – 28 April 2023
Marrakesh, Morocco
ISMAGI had the honor of being one of the organizers of the international conference entitled: “ICMMP 23” on April 24, 2023 on applied mathematical methods in physics and bringing together leading experts and researchers who exchanged and shared their experience and research results on all aspects of mathematical physics.
The conference brought together leading experts and research scholars to exchange and share their experience and research results on all aspects of mathematical physics and to promote the transference of knowledge at the crossroads of mathematics and physics.
The conference featured plenary sessions (30 to 40 minutes), short talks, and posters for student presentations. The scope of the conference was quite broad, including, in particular, the following topics: polyanalytic function theory, harmonic analysis, representation theory and quantization, Clifford analysis and applications, coherent states, time-frequency analysis and wavelets, orthogonal polynomials, special functions and q-analogues, Hopf algebras and quantum groups, geometric mechanics and symmetry, exact solvable systems, spectral theory and quantum systems, topological methods.
With the goal of encouraging communication and collaborative research between the participants, a feature of ICMMP2023 was the inclusion of specific time-slots for scientific discussion.
Conference Topics
L’ISMAGI : Institut Supérieur de Management, d’Administration et de Génie Informatique
est un établissement d’enseignement supérieur Reconnu par l’État, dédié à la formation postsecondaire et universitaire.